New Division Name and Branding
As of Jan. 16, 2018, the Division of Finance and Administration will become the Division of Finance and Operations.
As of Jan. 16, 2018, the Division of Finance and Administration will become the Division of Finance and Operations.
UNC students, faculty and staff can take advantage of an easy opportunity to apply for or renew your U.S. passport at the FedEx Global Education Center from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Nov. 14 and 15.
With the return of students to campus this fall, Point-to-Point (P2P) Express has made several enhancements, including updated routes and new Express service vehicles, as the program celebrates its 25th year in operation.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ranks 28th among more than 200 participating colleges and universities nationwide, according to the Sierra Club “Cool Schools” annual sustainability report.
For the second year in a row, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has surpassed a non-profit’s national challenge that encourages colleges and universities to purchase at least 20 percent of “real food” by the year 2020.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, marking the 22nd year in a row in which Carolina received this award.
Dwayne Pinkney has been named the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s chief financial officer and senior associate vice chancellor for finance and administration, starting Dec. 5, 2016. “Dwayne’s wealth of experience in financial and administrative management at Carolina, … Read more
On June 1, the first two graduates of the innovative PATHSS program were recognized on the Carolina campus. In a unique partnership between UNC-Chapel Hill and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, PATHSS is designed to help high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities prepare for life after high school.
This winter may not have been as harsh as some, but Mother Nature has reminded us what she can dish out—this year, in the form of ice rather than snow. During late January and mid-February, the University had to suspend … Read more
For Della Pollock, preserving people’s life stories is more than a way to chronicle the past. It also creates a path for cultivating future aspirations.