Nicole Long was one of five winners of the 2018 All Star Award, and her nomination form noted that “Nicole exemplifies the strategy of thinking outside the box and quickly anticipates potential challenges and works diligently to recommend solutions.”
What is your role at the University?

I am the executive assistant to Brian Smith, Beau Jimmerson and Ben Davidson. I manage their calendars, day to day needs, and assist others in their areas. I work closely with the business services coordinator in suites 3100 and 3200 of the AOB. Together we address any needs for the AVC for Finance and Controller’s areas as well as the 3rd floor common areas. I serve on the Onboarding and Field Trip Committees and have had the honor of serving on the Employee Appreciation Committee for two years.
What did you do before you came to UNC?
I worked for Burlington Industries in Burlington, NC. They made mattresses and furniture fabric. I was a lead training instructor for the inspection and warehouse division. I also taught basic computer skills and was one of the first female tow-motor training instructors in that division.
What is your favorite part of working here?
The people! Everyone within the Finance and SCE areas are awesome people to work with. Everyone works great together and understands team work. Not every place of employment is like that so when you find that rare jewel you have hold on to it! I’ve been in the same division for 18 years now so that says a lot about our great Finance Division.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Spending time with family and friends.
What is something people probably wouldn’t know about you, or a fun item you’d like to share?
I ride motorcycles and own a Suzuki GSXR-1000 sports bike. I’ve been riding for 15 years and love working on my motorcycle. I change the oil and repair some things. I ride every chance I get when the weather’s good. I have several friends that I ride with and I meet so many new people along the way. It’s fun and anytime I can eat some wind and turn some bolts I’m happy! This is my passion: one down and five up (motorcycle gears)!
How did it feel to win the All Star Award?
Being acknowledged as a recipient was exciting and an honor.