What is your role in the Service Center of Excellence?
I am a training specialist with Continuous Improvement, Staff Development and Engagement and my primary focus is teaching many of the ConnectCarolina Finance classes that new employees take to get access to ConnectCarolina. I also design and teach in-person and computer-based classes on a variety of other topics, including Excel, Office 365 and SharePoint.
What did you do before you came to the SCE?
I worked as a program manager for an international nonprofit that works for women’s health and rights in Asia, Africa and Latin America. I provided direct support to projects and staff in Africa, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and South Africa.
What is your favorite part of working at SCE?
I really enjoy creating and facilitating trainings on topics that folks are excited about and teaching people new skills! It’s fun to see the lightbulb moments when someone learns a new skill to make their job easier or better.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love spending time with my new kitten, (Super) Nova, who loves to climb everything in sight! Other than that, you can often find me at local arts events, symphonies, art exhibits, dance performances and plays. I am known among friends for having a pulse on the local arts scene, so if you need a recommendation on things to do, I can probably list several events that are coming up. I also enjoy hiking on nearby trails and reading.
What is something people probably wouldn’t know about you, or another fun item you’d like to share?
I love music of all kinds and regularly attend concerts (mostly country music)! Hearing bands live (or orchestras) is one of my favorite things. I also play piano and was a piano music major in college.